- Blog記事一覧 -No. 212 “36’s week pregnant and the baby is…”.
No. 212 “36’s week pregnant and the baby is…”.
Dr. Kosuke got a phone call from a women, “Could you see me, I am 36’s week pregnant and the baby is in a breech position”.
The next day, she visited Connect Chiropractic and Dr. K listened about her history and what she had done for re-positioning the baby; she had gone to acupuncture and also did some exercising. It, however, did not help at all. Dr. K checked her body and found a fixated joint on her right SI joint (Sacro-Iliac Joint) and a tight round ligament on her left which supports the uterus.
Dr. K explained what he found and how her body could be changed after an adjustment. He adjusted her SI joint on the right side and Sacro-tuberous ligament as well as her round ligament with what is known as the Webster technique.
On her fourth visit to the clinic she said, “Doc! Good News! NO MORE BREECH”. Dr. K said “Yeah!!!!!”
When your body works properly, your life will be changed. If you have never been checked by chiropractor, today is a good time to call.
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Connect Chiropractic Family Office
Doctor of Chiropractic
Kosuke Takahashi
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