- Blog記事一覧 -No.171 Case report “Neck pain”
No.171 Case report “Neck pain”
The patient is 52 year old male, his main complaint was neck pain. Two weeks prior to his visit the patient tried to pick up something from the floor when he heard a “popping” sound from his neck and since then has felt pain.
It was hard for him to look up and down as well as turn his head to the right.
When the patient got a check from Kosuke a subluxation from C1 and T3 was found. Kosuke adjusted the patient with a toggle for C1 and the Thompson table. After adjustment, the patient’s pain was decreased; from 8 out of 10 with VAS (Visual Analogue Scale) to 1 out of 10 with VAS. Additionally, the patient had an increase in his range of neck motion.
If you feel your spine needs a check, you can call or text to make an appointment with Kosuke, chiropractic doctor, anytime in English.
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Connect Chiropractic Family Office
Doctor of Chiropractic
Kosuke Takahashi
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