- Blog記事一覧 -No.243 Migraine Headaches/ 50-year-old male
No.243 Migraine Headaches/ 50-year-old male
A 50-year-old male visited Dr. K the other day. His complaint was due to migraine headaches; the headaches would come and go throughout the day. The pain scale was eight out of ten with VAS when he had a headache. When Dr. K checked his spine, he found subluxations at C1 and C5. He also found muscle tightness on the cervical region. Dr. K adjusted his cervical with the diversified technique. With this adjustment technique the patient might hear a “sound” but will not feel pain.
After the adjustment, Dr. K’s patient noticed the tension had released from his neck and the pain decreased. Two days later, the patient came back to the clinic for a check-up and he said, he did not have any migraine headaches the last two days. He had huge smile and said “Thank you,” to Dr. K.
if you have any questions, please contact me.
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Doctor of Chiropractic
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